* 高野山真言宗青山寺は予約制をとっておりますので参拝または瞑想、加持祈祷などの件で予約が必要の方は前もって事前にご予約をとることをお願いいたします。

Koyasan Shingon Mission of Australia Seizanji Buddhist Temple Inc. runs on an appointment based system to ensure we can cater and allocate time for our services. Please kindly make an appointment via email or phone in advance. *

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Koyasan Shingon Mission Australia


Seizanji Temple Address:

301 Eastern Valley Way

Middle Cove

NSW 2068



For all mail, please kindly send it to:

P. O. Box 316

Chatswood NSW 2057




Phone: 02-9417-6555

Mobile: 0408-497-437

ABN - 67 012 382 978




Phone: 0061-2-9417-6555

Mobile: 0061-408-497-437



Email: info@shingon.org.au